©Lukas Nelissen

Movies in De Nieuwe Kerk – Faith in Cinema

For centuries, De Nieuwe Kerk has been a multifunctional building where people gathered. Our current exhibition “Explore De Nieuwe Kerk,” highlights this rich history. Today, we also screen films at De Nieuwe Kerk.

This time, we chose the theme churches and religion, captured under the motto “Faith in Cinema.” We’ve curated a diverse program showcasing timeless classics like The Name of the Rose (1986), based on Umberto Eco’s famous book. Interestingly, in 1984, Eco delivered a cautionary lecture in De Nieuwe Kerk about our view of the Middle Ages and the lessons we can learn from it. This was before the film adaptation of his renowned book.

Our program is truly eclectic: the spiritual Life of Pi (2012) is paired with the satirical Life of Brian (1979). And of course, we couldn’t miss the Disney classic The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)—a small homage to our sister church in Paris, recently beautifully restored.

The opening film, The King’s Speech, will be introduced by Rommy Albers, curator at the EYE Filmmuseum.

Are you intrigued by this theme and eager to experience the church as an enchanting cinema? Get your tickets here and enjoy our film selection, either alone or with others!

27 February
19:45 – 20:15: Introduction about the Royal Family by Rommy Albers, curator at the EYE Filmmuseum. Dutch spoken
20:15 – 22:45: The King’s speech: Dutch subtitles

28 February
18:00 – 20:00: Monty Python’s Life of Brian: Dutch subtitles
21:00 – 23:45: La Grande Bellezza: English subtitles

1 March
18:00 – 20:10: The Name of the Rose: English subtitles
21:00 – 23:30: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Dutch subtitles

2 March
18:00 – 20:00: The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Dutch subtitles
21:00 – 23:30: Life of Pi: Dutch subtitles

Doors open 30 minutes beforehand.

movie poster de nieuwe kerk